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世界上大多数人都试图建立没有国王和王后的王国。耶利米书 1:5、申命记 30:3 和启示录 3:20 将耶稣基督给予我们的盛大邀请传达给人类。上帝的信息不只是通过信仰拯救的信息,而是信仰在此时此地开始治愈和精神形成的信息。 Train To Reign 通过播客、社区团体和静修会探索精神形成的旅程和耶稣基督的充分邀请。你听说过一位名叫约翰·埃尔德雷奇的绅士吗?他是“Wild at Heart”的前任总裁,该组织最初被称为“赎罪之心事工”,总部设在科罗拉多州。我们为男性和女性提供年度心脏恢复营,以支持这个更大的事工。十多年来,我们一直在为这些营地提供便利。我们有一个针对男性的三营精神形成门徒训练路径和一个针对女性的营地,邀请他们进入更大的元叙事,即耶稣基督,并帮助他们在上帝和通过上帝中找到自己的身份,正如我们在圣经中看到的那样。

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《心中狂野》一书的作者约翰·埃尔德雷奇将帮助我们探索关于我们作为男人的身份、上帝希望我们成为什么样的人以及围绕着我们的属灵争战等关键问题。这不是一个让人们分成小组分享他们的感受的静修会,但我们将在一个没有分心的地方与耶稣独处——一个充满了他创造的美丽和奇迹的地方。这是一个和平与反省、治愈与恢复、欢笑与友情的时刻,以及成为你本应成为的战士和爱人的使命。周末的费用包括住宿和食物。周末从周四晚上 6 点开始,到周日下午 1 点左右结束。



加入其他女性,并借此机会在主对你的心说话时得到更新和更新。本周末的重点是根据 Stasi Eldredge 的《迷人》一书。您将探索有关上帝希望您成为什么样的人以及为您的心而进行的属灵争战的关键问题。周末是在霍金山的 Eagles Wing Lodge,距离哥伦布约一小时车程。这是周四晚上到周日中午附近。

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  • Wild at Heart 基本候补名单
    Wild at Heart 基本候补名单
    Survival School Advanced is camp 2 in a man's spiritual journey. This camp is designed to develop a man in the area of listening prayer, further understanding spiritual warfare, and going deeper into your heart for more healing.
  • Wild at Heart 基本候补名单
    Wild at Heart 基本候补名单
    Training Camp is for young men 18-25. It is designed to be informal, outdoors, around a fire, and around honest conversations about the trials young men face. Conversations are based on conversations in the book Killing Lions by John Eldredge and his son Sam Eldredge.
  • Soul Camp | July 9-11, 2025
    Soul Camp | July 9-11, 2025
    July 9-11, 2025
    Soul Camp: A Retreat for Young Women Discover your God-given identity, beauty, and purpose! For women ages 18-25, this retreat offers 7 vital conversations with wise, godly mentors to uncover your identity in Christ, embrace your divine design, and step confidently into your calling. It is designed
  • 迷人营地
    What did God intend when he made you? Your feminine heart has been created as a reflection of God’s own heart. Although you are all unique, you also each share the same core desires. Join other women and take an opportunity to be refreshed and renewed as the Lord speaks to your heart.
  • 加入社区组
    没有社区,你就无法真正过基督徒的生活。传道书 4:12 告诉我们,三个和弦的乐队是牢不可破的。 Train to Reign 相信,真正的社区是精神形成和让敌人远离的催化剂。点击这里今天加入一个小组。
  • 加入社区组
    没有社区,你就无法真正过基督徒的生活。传道书 4:12 告诉我们,三个和弦的乐队是牢不可破的。 Train to Reign 相信,真正的社区是精神形成和让敌人远离的催化剂。点击这里今天加入一个小组。
  • 与神同行读书会
    THE Becoming a King Intensive is the final camp in the spiritual formation journey. Even great men who strive to be entrusted with vast amounts of God's kingdom may never reach this spiritual mountain top unless they have recognized that you cannot go this deep with God and do it alone.


I am compelled to share with you the profound essence of what defines us, what shapes our existence, and what illuminates the path to life's ultimate truth. In the words of A.W. Tozer, "What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us." Throughout human history, civilizations have been tied to their beliefs, and the spiritual narrative of mankind has forever been entwined with its perception of the Divine. Our worship, our aspirations, and our very essence are intertwined with the conception we hold of God. In the grand tapestry of existence, the pivotal question that resonates through the corridors of time is this: Who is God? For it is upon this foundational understanding that our lives pivot, and our destinies unfold. Our perception of God shapes our worship, our morals, and our very purpose. The scriptures bear witness to this eternal truth. They speak of Jesus, who declared, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (Jhn 14:6) His sacrifice on the cross, a testament to divine love, resonates through the ages, offering redemption and eternal life to all who believe.


But do we truly grasp the significance of these truths? Do we understand the profound implications of our faith? It is not merely a matter of belief; it is the crux of our existence. For in Jesus, we find the hero of our story, the savior of our souls, and the cornerstone of our faith. Yet, amidst the loud noise of voices and the myriad of interpretations, one question looms large: What do we believe about the book that tells his story? The Bible, the sacred repository of divine revelation, bears witness to the authority of God's Word. "All Scripture is God-breathed," declared Timothy, "useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness." (2 Tim 3:16-17) In a world beset by subjectivity and relativism, where truth is often obscured by the whims of human intellect, the Word of God stands as an unchanging beacon of light. "Every word of God is flawless," proclaims Proverbs, "he is a shield to those who take refuge in him." (Prov. 30:5-6) And yet, in our quest for understanding, we must tread carefully, for the scriptures warn against cherry-picking, against molding truth to suit our desires. "All your words are true," affirms the Psalmist, "all your righteous laws are eternal." (Psa 119:160) For in the Word made flesh, we find the embodiment of truth, the revelation of God's eternal plan. "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses," writes the author of Hebrews, "but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are yet he did not sin." (Heb 4:15) My dear friends, let us reflect deeply on the most important thing about us: our conception of God. Let us embrace the truth revealed in His Word even if it pains us when we do not understand. Let us walk boldly in the light of His love. For in Him alone do we find the way, the truth, and the path to life everlasting.

For His Kingdom, 

Pastor Joshua Meyer 



20584 Buena Vista Road, Rockbridge, OH, 美国

We want to help you with in any questions you may have about us. If you have reached this page please know it was not by mistake. you are being called to go deeper, to seek more. There is an adventure awaiting you. One that has been calling to you your whole life. Now is the time to say "YES!"




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