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Jesus, my Lord. God, my Father. Holy Spirit, the regenerator of my being, bringing me back to who I was meant to be. You are my rock. You train my hands for war, and You give me the diligence and skill for battle. You are my loving ally and my fortress; You are my tower of safety, and You are my eternal rescuer. You are my shield, and I will take total and complete refuge in You. You make all trials, suffering, and oppression from others submit to me because of the Holy Spirit within me that I am being submitted to.


Jesus, who am I that You would even acknowledge my existence? For the very essence of You is like the most beautiful breath of air. Jesus, I ask You now to open the heavens and come down to be with me today. Come from Your arching high place that touches the mountains and the descend upon me, for I need You so desperately. I call upon You as my protector to hurl Your enforcement of powerful destruction upon my enemies and all those opposed to your will and your work. Shoot Your arrows at them; create confusion amongst them so that they will destroy themselves rather than gain momentum towards my spirit. You are my rescuer; You are the one who reaches down from the heavens and rescues me from the deep waters and from the power and oppression of my enemies. I renounce the enemy, all of his lies, and all of those who are working for him, bound to him in slavery.  I will choose You. I exalt Your name on high, glorifying You always. You grant victory to those who are obedient and submit to You every day. You are the one who rescued me from the fatal sword of sin-death. My brothers and sisters flourish as they completely submit their souls and obedience to You.


May You be glorified through our worship. We receive an abundance of Your provision so that we may fight bravely for Your kingdom and never be in short supply, so that we may complete the race and hear Your most beautiful words that we treasure above all else: "Well done, my good and faithful servant." I confess this day to You all of my sins, and I repent and bow down before the glory of who You are and who You will always be. Thank You for giving us a solid truth that will ever be unchanging in a world that runs around in useless naivety, trying to create solutions when all they have to do is look to Your truth and Your word. I love You. I praise You. I bow down before You always. I vow to always choose You and meditate upon the greatness of You. Equip me and all those who fight alongside me. For Your kingdom always. Amen.

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